...ACCESS TO HELP AND LEARNING 課程預計需時:20 分鐘 您當地的專家 尋找合適的專家 與當地專家聯絡 參考其他教育工作者的經驗 課程評量 現在來個小測驗,看看您學得如何 (答對有分)! Discover Local Google for Education Experts 請閱讀下列各節說明,然後完成課程評量,以測試自己的學習成果並取得認證分數。 開始使用 Google for Education...
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Quickly and effectively find your institutions content across your Google Workspace for Education domain with Google Cloud Search. ... Additional Resources Organize your workday with assist cards Knowledge check Access Google Cloud Search You can use everyday words to describe what you want to find with Google Cloud Search. For example, you can...
In this lesson, you will learn how Google Workspace for Education administrators can access valuable insights into their Google services and how to get the most out of logs and reports for your institution. ... Additional resources Scenario: Gain insights into Classroom adoption and usage Reflect on what you have learned Create reporting rules...
Make the most of the Google Workspace tools by creating user accounts and groups and setting up admin privileges. This lesson will teach you how to create, edit and assign groups and admin roles to facilitate communication and manage your Google services. ... Create Google Groups Reflect on what you have learned Knowledge check Create user...
進一步瞭解 Google for Education 產品
認證訓練講師課程... UNIT 7: DEEPEN YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GOOGLE FOR EDUCATION 課程預計需時:45 分鐘 瞭解您的工具 您學到了什麼? 課程評量 Discover More Information on Google for Education Products 您可以在進階和基礎課程中學到如何在課堂中應用 Google 工具。不過,深入瞭解 Google...
With Google tools, you can provide feedback throughout the entire lifecycle of an assignment, meaning feedback can be shared in real time, inside or outside of the classroom. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to give digital feedback in Google Classroom, Docs, and Forms. ... Give feedback for student growth Give feedback with Google Docs and...
Organize, sort, and filter student data using Google Sheets. Use formulas and functions in Google Sheets to find a student's grade, average the class's grade on a particular assignment, and track progress towards a learning goal. ... Find the minimum or maximum number in a range Find the average and sum of student grades Find the average score...
Welcome to Fundamentals training. By reading, watching videos, and doing activities, you'll learn how to integrate Google in your classroom. By the end of this course, you'll be ready to take the exam to become a Google Certified Educator Level 1. ... For educators who are new to Google tools, this course focuses on rethinking and retooling with...
Create interactive assignments with instant feedback and built-in resources for your students with practice sets in Google Classroom. ... Additional Resources Knowledge check Practice sets in Google Classroom Look at results Reflect on what you have learned When you are ready to assign a practice set to your students, you’ll create a new...
In this lesson you'll learn how to manage remote devices and enforce security requirements from the Google Admin console. ... Additional Resources Secure institution-owned devices Reflect on what you have learned Knowledge check Secure device endpoints by enabling advanced mobile management in Google Workspace for Education Android device...
Accurately track youre virtual meetings through Google Meet. ... Reflect on what you have learned Additional Resources Knowledge check Viewing an attendance report By the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to: After your next class in Google Meet or live class have a look at reviewing the attendance tracking sheet. Try it out After you lead a...
Manage and improve the user experience on Google's Chromebooks and browsers and customize settings to boost your institution's productivity, accessibility and security. ... Customize the Chrome Web Store Set Chrome user and browser settings Explore recommended settings Reflect on what you have learned Knowledge check Additional resources...
Ensure your Google Meet experience is comfortable, accessible and clear for everyone. ... Reflect on what you have learned Additional Resources Manage noise cancellation Knowledge check Google Meet accessibility features Set up live translated captions Set up call transcripts Record and save your meetings to Drive By the end of the lesson,...
沒到學校上課,改採遠端教學的學生,可能會感覺與校園生活逐漸脫節。在本課程中,我們會說明使用 Hangouts Meet 視訊通話和直播進行遠距教學時,如何營造校園的團體感。 ... 遠距教學視訊通話 直播 Meet 視訊內容 設定 Google Meet 單元評量 在 Meet 中分享您的螢幕畫面 錄製 Meet 視訊內容 預約時段 Google Meet 隱藏式輔助字幕 預約時段建立完成後,在 Google 日曆中按一下這個活動,然後選取 [前往這個日曆的預約網頁] 如要開啟字幕,只需在會議室的右下角找到隱藏式輔助字幕的符號,然後找到並按一下 [開啟字幕] 即可。 雖然您可以使用分享螢幕畫面功能來示範如何做作業,或顯示課程資源給學生看,但 Google Meet...