Google Tasks and Google Keep are useful tools to help you keep track of notes and to-do lists, stay organized, and collaborate with others and works well with other tools such as Gmail and Calendar. ... Create to-do lists in Google Tasks Integrate lists in Google Tasks with Google Calendar Knowledge check Create multi-functional notes in Google...
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Boost your efficiency in Gmail
Intermediate use of Google Workspace for Education FundamentalsIn this lesson, you will learn to customize your email experience with time-saving features in Gmail. You’ll also create an email template to help you communicate important information quickly and efficiently. ...
Use Blogger to Gather Ideas
Advanced Training...Students Lesson Check UNIT 6: ORGANIZE YOUR CLASS AND SCHOOL MATERIALS MORE EFFECTIVELY Expected Lesson Time: 17 minutes What’s a Blog? Watch this video highlighting several different teachers and how they use...
...features within Google Meet Q&A and Polls Record a video meeting Enable call transcripts Configure livestream settings Attendance tracking To learn more about this topic, click the links below. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to: Google Workspace for Education Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Education Plus editions add even...
Connect with your guardians and students more effectively with automation and personalized updates. Use Google tools to summarize information and track student progress. ... Track student progress with Google Sheets Use Google Classroom to automate personalized updates Knowledge check Set up a Sheet for an example student. Try it out By the end...
Create the Optimal Viewing Experience
Fundamentals Training... Expected Lesson Time: 20 minutes See What Other Educators Said YouTube Optimization Features Lesson Check YOUR Optimal Viewing Experience The Flexibility of YouTube UNIT 11: CAPTIVATE YOUR CLASS WITH VIDEO Now...
Get Better Results Using Advanced Search Strategies
Advanced Training...Getting Even More out of Search Lesson Check Search Quests Search like a Champion Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and that we give you credit for...
Data for content owners
YouTube Content Ownership...including assets. ... Find the right data sources Evaluate your content Break down the data Set a watch time strategy across channels Try it Check your knowledge Find out how Content Manager can help you track...
Share Chrome Apps and Extensions with Your Students
Advanced Training...WORKFLOW Making the Most of Chrome in Your Classroom Educational Apps and Extensions Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Sharing and Managing Apps and Extensions Lesson Check Now let's do a quick check to make...
Let Gmail Features Do the Work for You
Advanced Training... Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Making Features Work for You Get More out of Gmail Experimenting with Features UNIT 3: USE ADVANCED FEATURES TO OPTIMIZE WORKFLOW Lesson Check Now let's do a quick check to make...
Collect Assignments Effortlessly
Fundamentals Training... Collecting Student Assignments Creating Digital Assignments Lesson Check Turn It In Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Collecting Some Tips and Tricks UNIT 7: BRING STUDENT WORK ONLINE Now let's do a quick check to...
Develop and test strategic decisions
YouTube Content Ownership...and implement adjustments to your creative or promotional strategies.Once a meaningful period of time has passed, you can evaluate the success of your decision with data.For example, if you’re trying to...
Waze’s ad formats can help you capture attention and prompt action during relevant in-car moments. In this section you’ll learn how our formats are designed to influence navigation behaviors and drive impact. ... Stand Out From the Crowd Navigation Behaviors: Formats That Matter Join Your Consumers on the Ride Offer Awareness Call to Actions &...
When you don’t share the same physical space as your students, you have to close the distance and keep your community connected. Delivering content in a variety of modes with predictability and easy access helps create pathways for all learners. ... Why Distance Learning Scheduling remote learning Communication with all stakeholders Instruction...
Hold virtual conversations with Google Meet
Basic use of Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals...come to school due to illness. Imagine having after-school hours for your students during a set homework time when they can ask you and each other for help, if needed. If you need to reply with more than a single...
Create your own class using Google Classroom to assign work, share resources, collect assignments and give feedback. ... Add students to your class Additional Resources Familiarize students with important resources Create a class in Google Classroom Viewing your class Knowledge check By the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to: Google...
... After completing this module, you will be able to:Preview a practice set as a student and assign it to your students in Classroom How do you assign a practice set to students? Checkpoint When you are ready to assign a practice set to your students, you’ll create a new assignment in Classroom and attach the practice set. To get started, go to...
Use Google Docs and Drive to Motivate Group Collaboration
Fundamentals Training...Tools for Teamwork Group Collaboration Goals See What Other Educators Said Lesson Check Expected Lesson Time: 23 minutes Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and that we give you credit for...
Assign Work More Easily
Fundamentals Training...the Assignment Process Smarter Assignments for All See What Other Educators Said Lesson Check Expected Lesson Time: 20 minutes UNIT 7: BRING STUDENT WORK ONLINE Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this...