Introduction to supplement your instruction with digital content such as apps or videos to provide a richer experience for your students. How do you make your classes more engaging for students… and more fun for you to... to supplement your instruction with digital content such as apps or videos to provide a richer experience for your students. How do you make your classes more engaging for students… and more fun for you to...
...the students. Teachers are able to see the devices being used with students and students get a chance to experience the devices and ask questions about them while I’m in the classroom. Determine Optimal Method to...
...of students doesn’t make it a success. There are many considerations as you design group learning experiences for your students, including ways to enhance group work with online tools both inside and outside of...
...looks at developing an engaging learning environment by creating interactive, self-directed learning experiences for students. The activities in this unit take familiar tools, get you to look at them through a...
...that you would want to share with a group of educators so that more students can benefit from your experience? Jot Down Two Ideas My school is implementing Chromebooks next year and I want to learn from other...
...powerful features of Google Docs is the ability to share and collaborate. To ensure the learning experience is purposeful and meaningful, let’s explore some best practices for collaboration and group work. Use... the Generative AI for Educators glossary. This is just the beginning of your AI journey. Keep exploring, experimenting, and using your creativity to tap into the full potential of this exciting tool with these... each lesson. Connecting people and places with learning can leave a lasting impression on students. These experiences can fuel their passion to explore the larger world. It’s easy to extend learning beyond your...
...scales.Consider the following and make a note of your answers.How will these features improve your experience using Google Classroom? Tailor your Google Classroom gradebook to your needs. Plan, organize, and...
...that transform their traditional paper versions. Instead of just reading content, they allow the user to experience their messages. By adding video and links, students are able to create interactive publishing...
... Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Making Features Work for You Get More out of Gmail Experimenting with Features UNIT 3: USE ADVANCED FEATURES TO OPTIMIZE WORKFLOW Lesson Check Now let's do a quick check to make...