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Opettajien ohjekeskus

Google for Education

Oppiminen ei pääty koskaan. Työstään innostuneet opettajat ovat elinikäisiä oppijoita. Maksuttomat verkkokoulutuksemme auttavat opettajia tekemään työnsä entistäkin paremmin.

4 results returned
  • Certified Trainer Course

    Improve your skills as a trainer as you learn to create and deliver inspiring training sessions on Google tools.

    • Path
    • Duration 20.3h
    • Rating 4.5
    • Intermediate
  • Certified Coach Curriculum

    This tailored curriculum provides instructional coaches with tools and strategies that support their 1:1 interactions with educators.

    • Path
    • Duration 10h
    • Rating 4.7
  • Tools for Diverse Learners Training

    While you will know best how to address your students’ learning needs, Chromebooks include features that may be helpful to students who are low vision or blind, have limited motor functionality, are hard of hearing, or may need extra assistance...

    • Path
    • Duration 35m
    • Rating 4.8
    • Beginner