Certified Trainer Course
Improve your skills as a trainer as you learn to create and deliver inspiring training sessions on Google tools.
Det er aldri for sent å lære noe nytt. Engasjerte undervisere lærer tilegner seg ny kunnskap hele livet. Derfor har vi utviklet en gratis, nettbasert kursrekke for å styrke undervisere i det de kan best – å lære bort ting til andre.
Improve your skills as a trainer as you learn to create and deliver inspiring training sessions on Google tools.
This tailored curriculum provides instructional coaches with tools and strategies that support their 1:1 interactions with educators.
While you will know best how to address your students’ learning needs, Chromebooks include features that may be helpful to students who are low vision or blind, have limited motor functionality, are hard of hearing, or may need extra assistance...