Manage multi-claim scenarios
Determine what happens in scenarios with multiple claims, to see when and where content is monetized. ... Introduction Make sense of multiple claims Make sense of multiple claims New Article Title Scenarios Scenarios...
Determine what happens in scenarios with multiple claims, to see when and where content is monetized. ... Introduction Make sense of multiple claims Make sense of multiple claims New Article Title Scenarios Scenarios...
...their creation, potentially improve performance with more targeted campaigns:Enable “default campaigns”.Construct manual campaigns to augment and improve the default campaign experience by creating more targeted,... can also maximize your revenue from ads, YouTube Premium subscriptions, and other potential monetization opportunities.In this series of lessons, we’ll cover all you need to know about the rights management...
YouTube has invested in sophisticated tools to help you manage your rights at scale and monetize or block uploads that make use of your copyrighted content. ... Introduction Navigate the digital media landscape... a form of intellectual property law that protects original works of authorship for a set period of time. If you’re the copyright owner, this protection grants you exclusive rights to control how your work is...