Welcome to Advanced training. By reading, watching videos, and doing activities, you'll learn cutting-edge strategies for integrating Google in your classroom. You can start and stop lessons at any time; we'll track your progress through the course. At the end of this course, you'll be ready to take the exam to become a Google Certified Educator...
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Share Classwide Updates
Advanced Training... Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes UNIT 4: CONNECT WITH GUARDIANS Keep Guardians Informed Scale Communication with Sites Send One Email, Reach All Guardians Lesson Check Create a Google Group Now let's do a quick...
Promote a Safe and Responsible Online Presence
Fundamentals Training... Building Resilience Acting Responsibly Online UNIT 13: PROMOTE DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND POSITIVE ONLINE BEHAVIOR Watch Where You Walk Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Having the Conversation Lesson Check Now let's...
Scenarios for downloadable reports
YouTube Asset MonetizationMaximize your revenue potential and performance with Downloadable Reports. Analyze what your viewers like and what performs best so you can divvy up your revenue accordingly. ... Scenario 1: How can you maximize your...
Reduce administrative workload with Cloud Search
Premium Teaching & Learning FeaturesQuickly and effectively find your institutions content across your Google Workspace for Education domain with Google Cloud Search. ... Additional Resources Organize your workday with assist cards Knowledge check...
Solve Community Problems Using Online Tools
Advanced Training... Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Mobilizing Your Community Making a Difference in the Community Lesson Check UNIT 10: GIVE STUDENTS A VOICE Hackathons Helping Others Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got...
Create a Portal for Your Class
Advanced Training... Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Your Online Portal Lesson Check The Benefits of an Online Class Portal Plan Your Class Site UNIT 6: ORGANIZE YOUR CLASS AND SCHOOL MATERIALS MORE EFFECTIVELY Planning your...
Augment Your Lessons with Interactive Content
Fundamentals Training... Finding the Right Content Enrich Your Class Unit Lesson Check Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Making Math Visual UNIT 10: BUILD INTERACTIVE LESSONS Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this lesson (and...
Use Maps to Create Exciting Virtual Field Trips
Advanced Training... Explore the world Virtual Tours and You! Lesson Check Google Maps in Practice UNIT 8: TEACH BEYOND THE FOUR WALLS OF YOUR CLASSROOM Learning with Google Maps Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Now let's do a quick...
Create Safe, Responsible Digital Citizens
Fundamentals Training... Exploring Digital Citizenship Respect and Protect UNIT 1: GET READY TO USE TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM Lesson Check Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Supporting You Your Turn Now let's do a quick check to make sure...
Manage sensitive data and prevent data leaks
Premium IT Admin FeaturesEducation institutions are creating more data and information than ever before. In this lesson, learn about the importance of data loss prevention (DLP) and how to prevent sensitive data from being unintentionally...
Update and Share Your Syllabus with Ease
Advanced Training... Taking Your Syllabus Online A Digital Syllabus UNIT 6: ORGANIZE YOUR CLASS AND SCHOOL MATERIALS MORE EFFECTIVELY Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Lesson Check See What Other Educators Said Build a Better Syllabus...
Use Google Chat for Real-time Student Communication
Fundamentals Training... Communication Revolution Lesson Check Communicate in New Ways UNIT 4: SAVE TIME COMMUNICATING Expected Lesson Time: 20 minutes Instant Global Communication See What Other Educators Said Now let's do a quick check...
Organize guardian Information with Google Forms
Intermediate use of Google Workspace for Education FundamentalsBuild your relationship with your guardians by enhancing your communication with Google Forms. ... Customize your confirmation message Collect information based on the guardian's selection Access responses Forms are...
Boost your efficiency in Gmail
Intermediate use of Google Workspace for Education FundamentalsIn this lesson, you will learn to customize your email experience with time-saving features in Gmail. You’ll also create an email template to help you communicate important information quickly and efficiently. ...
Tell Your Student Growth Story
Fundamentals Training... Student Trends Representing Sets of Data UNIT 8: MEASURE, UNDERSTAND, AND SHARE STUDENT GROWTH Status of the Class Displaying Student Data Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Lesson Check Now let's do a quick check...
Empower Student Learning with Earth
Fundamentals Training... Features and Navigation Guide Expected Lesson Time: 25-35 minutes Using Google Earth Tools to Try See What Other Educators Said Lesson Check A World of Opportunities UNIT 10: BUILD INTERACTIVE LESSONS Now let's do...
Set Up Mentorship and Support Processes to Guide Other Teachers
Advanced Training... Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Lesson Check Making it Work Building Support Supporting Each Other Finding the Time UNIT 1: PROMOTE AND MODEL THE EFFECTIVE USE OF DIGITAL TOOLS Now let's do a quick check to make...
Tackle Global Issues with Your Plan, Your Planet
Advanced Training... Choose the Tools to Personalize Your Lesson Think Global, Act Local Big Change Starts Small Expected Lesson Time: 20 minutes Get Started Now Lesson Check UNIT 8: TEACH BEYOND THE FOUR WALLS OF YOUR CLASSROOM Now...
More Ways to Add Interaction to Instruction
Advanced Training... Resources for Support UNIT 7: DESIGN INTERACTIVE CURRICULA Lesson Check More Interaction, More Learning Interesting Innovations Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Give it a Go! Now let's do a quick check to make...
Establishing Yourself as a Leader
Certified Trainer Course... UNIT 1: INFLUENCE ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Envision Your Role as a Leader See What Other Educators Said Address the Needs of Adult Learners See What Other Educators Said Set Goals with Your Audience in Mind Lesson...
Use Google Groups to Build Better Class Communication
Fundamentals Training... Share Ideas in Groups Create a Google Group Lesson Check Foster Online Discussions UNIT 4: SAVE TIME COMMUNICATING See What Other Educators Said Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes Now let's do a quick check to make...
Get Your Questions Answered
Fundamentals Training... Don't Stay Stuck How to Find Answers Lesson Check Expected Lesson Time: 14 minutes UNIT 2: EXPAND YOUR ACCESS TO HELP AND LEARNING Getting the Help You Need Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got this...