The online opportunity
Today's world is a digital one, with nearly half of the global population online. With so many people using the internet, it makes sense for a business to tap into digital. Find out what opportunities exist and how a...
Today's world is a digital one, with nearly half of the global population online. With so many people using the internet, it makes sense for a business to tap into digital. Find out what opportunities exist and how a...
Once your online shop is set up, it's time to ensure everything is optimised correctly so that customers have the smoothest user experience possible. Each touchpoint is an important communication opportunity between...
... Building Resilience Acting Responsibly Online UNIT 13: PROMOTE DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND POSITIVE ONLINE BEHAVIOR Watch Where You Walk Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Having the Conversation Lesson Check Now let's...
Tap into the world of e-commerce and learn how to effectively sell your products online. From the tools you'll need to build your online shop from scratch, to payment methods and managing orders, this introductory...
...into your lessons? There may be conferences or workshops, but funding and logistics can be a challenge.Think about the following Google tools. How could you use them to drive greater collaboration and learning...
...rights management across our platform.As a business on YouTube, to open up opportunities for maximizing your revenue, you’ll want to devote sufficient resources to copyright management. By doing so, you can...
Find out how to build a digital presence, sell to customers online, and stay safe from hackers. ###***About this course*** Start our course free of charge to discover what it takes to start and run a successful business online. You'll also learn how to build a digital presence, use e-commerce, keep a business safe from hackers, and get noticed...
From identifying your goals to knowing how to track your progress, this topic will show you how to put your best foot forward when creating a digital business strategy. Learn how to stand apart from the competition...
There are many ways to promote a business online. But before you can get started, you should familiarise yourself with how these digital channels work, which options are best suited to you, and how to set up a clear...
...should always be a top priority for any business. In these videos, we’ll introduce the basics of online security so that you can examine how it applies to your employees, your company, your users and customers.
...from different angles. I have had students move their persuasive commentary about a controversial topic online to a Blogger post. Students are responsible for writing a post defending their position on topics such...
Discover the online tools you can use to promote a business online, create your marketing strategy, and attract the right customers. ###***About this course*** Start our course free of charge and learn how to promote a business online. We'll tell you how to create a successful advertising and marketing strategy, and explain how email marketing,...
...your students a voice Google Sites offers creative ways to publish and share student work. Sharing their work online is a great way to increase student interest in an assignment, practice communication skills, and...
Thanks to search engines, local directories and social networks, reaching customers who are physically close to a store is a relatively easy task. Learn some ways to take advantage of that unique opportunity to...
...and the tactile experience of being in a store, more people are beginning their shopping journey online. They’re checking product availability, prices, and more before ever stepping inside a store. This is...
... Expected Lesson Time: 25 minutes Mobilizing Your Community Making a Difference in the Community Lesson Check UNIT 10: GIVE STUDENTS A VOICE Hackathons Helping Others Now let's do a quick check to make sure you got...
Learn how web analytics can help measure the success of your online marketing, and get better results. ###***About this course*** With just some basic web analytics skills, businesses can easily measure how well their online marketing is working and get even better results. Start our course free of charge and find out how you can easily measure...