Discover how Google Ad Manager's privacy-forward tools can help you improve the relevance of your ads and create a durable data strategy in an evolving privacy landscape.

After completing this intermediate learning path, you'll be able to:

  • Use Google Ad Manager's regulatory compliance and privacy messaging tools to aid you in your efforts to comply with various regulations and manage user privacy choices.
  • Maximise the value of your inventory by creating insights and audiences with data .
  • Control activation of your data across sales channels, when sharing with trusted buyers and when evaluating the Privacy Sandbox.

Complete this learning path to earn an award demonstrating your understanding of Google Ad Manager's privacy-forward solutions. The award will be visible under your profile in Skillshop and is shareable externally to recognise you for the completion of this learning.

Note: Some courses contain links to sites that may not be available in your preferred language or that require you to select your language